
Has this conference reignited your passion in bariatrics? Do you have endless ideas of what you want to do but fear you will not complete any of them as you return to the daily grind? This interactive session will help participants make connections and design plans to put their thoughts into action. We will actively discuss how to use the evidence shared throughout the conference to make positive impacts on practice, education, research and quality improvement, and healthcare policy.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Integrate research/quality improvement initiatives into practice disciplines
  2. Create a plan to disseminate new knowledge or evidence through presentations and/or publications
  3. Use evidence to advocate for patient care and/or translate changes to impact healthcare reform

10:15am Welcome & Session Overview
Melissa Page, BS LD MS RD
10:20am Research & QI
Genna Hymowitz, PhD
10:35am Breakout Groups
10:55am Bringing Bariatric Insights into Circulation: Do-it-yourself (DIY) Presentations & Publications
Karen D Groller, PhD RN
11:15am Breakout Groups
11:25am Healthcare Advocacy & Policy
Melissa Page, BS LD MS RD
11:40am Breakout Groups
11:50am Session Wrap Up
Karen D Groller, PhD RN
12:00pm Adjourn