
Obesity is a significant cause of morbidity not only throughout the United States but within the Armed Forces. Currently, based on DOD Health Policy 07-006, recruits may not have had bariatric surgery prior to joining the Armed Forces and members are not authorized to have bariatric surgery while a member of the Armed Forces. While there are continued barriers to the use of bariatric surgery in active duty personnel, the use of weight loss medications may serve as an alternative to improve medical readiness for Service Members. Obesity is also a significant cause of morbidity and mortality within the Veteran population in the United States. While many Veterans may not be ready for metabolic/bariatric surgery, weight loss medications can serve as either a bridge to surgery or treatment for obesity.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss the current state of availability and the use of weight loss medications within the Department of Defense health system and Veterans Health Administration.
  2. Describe techniques on how to set up a Metabolic/Bariatric Surgery Clinic to prescribe weight loss medications through in-person and telemedicine visits.
  3. Discuss ways to better integrate the care of Service Members and Veterans with obesity with the Defense Health Agency and Veterans Health Administration.

8:00am Welcome
Joel R Brockmeyer, FACS FASMBS MD
8:05am Weight loss medications in the DHA
Christopher R Porta, MD
8:20am Weight loss medications in the VA
Ann Smith, MD MPH
8:35am How to set up a DHA/VA surgery clinic to prescribe medications
Joseph S Lee, MD
8:50am Use of telemedicine for bariatric medications and their maintenance
Lori Sweeney, MD
9:05am DHA-VA sharing – An example. Initial set up and sticking points.
Byron J Faler, FACS MD
9:20am Closing Comments and Discussion
Joel R Brockmeyer, FACS FASMBS MD
9:30am Adjourn