
Evaluate best practices for telehealth and outpatient bariatric surgery. Learn how to maximize personal financial health and that of your business. Gather with colleagues for support and advice as we chart a course forward.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Have an understanding of basic & advanced business language and principles.
  2. Be able to tailor a marketing plan appropriate for their practice.
  3. Understand multiple options to increase revenue in their practice.
  4. Recognize options for exit strategies from their practice.

8:00am Welcome and Introduction
Paul Kemmeter, MD
Business 101
8:05am How to Develop a Business Plan
Sunil Bhoyrul, MD
8:15am Key Performance Indicators for your Practice
Douglas M Krahn, MD FACS
8:25am Key performance indicators for your ASC
Peter S Billing, FACS FASMBS MD
8:35am Your organization needs an organizational chart.
Matthew J Weiner, MD
8:45am Business panel Q and A
Debate: Private Equity: Partnering for Success vs Selling Your Soul
9:00am Pro
Paul Kemmeter, MD
9:10am Con
Rami Lutfi, MD
9:20am Rebuttal
Paul Kemmeter, MD; Rami Lutfi, MD
9:22am Exit Strategies Panel Q and A
9:30am Break
Debate: Marketing: You Have to Spend Money to Make Money, Big Budget vs Small and How to Spend it
10:00am Go Big or Go Home
Shawn Garber, FACS FASMBS MD
10:10am Start Small and Scale Appropriately
Sheetal Nijhawan, MD FASMBS FACS
10:20am Are Online Patient Care and Engagement Programs Worth the Cost?
Michael A Snyder, MD
10:30am Unpaid marketing: Monitoring and Optimizing Online Reviews
Matthew McLain
10:40am Marketing Q and A
Increasing Revenue
11:00am Increasing Revenue by Incorporating Technology
Helmuth T Billy, MD
11:10am Increasing Revenue by Retail Sales
Laura L Machado, MD FACS FASMBS
11:20am Increasing Revenue with an Enhanced Care Package
Emma Patterson, MD
11:30am Increasing Revenue with Adding Obesity Medications
11:40am Increasing Revenue panel, Question and Answer
12:00pm Adjourn