
As healthcare providers, many of us have had some extraordinary experience, an outstanding mentor or read an evidence-based paper that changed our clinical MBS practice. The presenters in this session will elaborate on some of their most notable experiences that have shaped their clinical views, interactions with patients and strategies towards improving the quality of patient care. A panel discussion will follow the presentations, so participants can explore the experiences and views presented.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Attendees will acquire knowledge to improve MBS clinical practice and patient care from personal and program experiences that have directly impacted the lives and careers of MBS providers.
  2. Participants will hear experiences and strategies shared by a team of providers from a same daysurgery center that may be adapted and/or translated into other MBS programs.
  3. Attendees will learn strategies to increase communication and collaboration across disciplinesthrough a panel discussion with shared perspectives.

8:00am Intro and Housekeeping
Connie Klein, APRN CBN
8:05am A Patient’s Experience with MBS Revisions & Success
Andrea Hughes, MS RDN CDCES
8:20am Unified Weight Management Practice
Aura Petcu, CNS MSN NP
8:35am Same Day Surgery: A Panel Presentation on Successful Strategies and Patient Outcomes
Christy Lee, BSN RN; Christopher J Hart, MD; Nadine Callahan; Ciara Lee, None
9:05am Q & A Panel Discussion
Connie Klein, APRN CBN; Dr. Sue Benson-Davies, MPH DCN PhD RDN FAND; Andrea Hughes, MS RDN CDCES; Aura Petcu, CNS MSN NP; Christy Lee, BSN RN; Christopher J Hart, MD; Nadine Callahan; Ciara Lee, None
9:30am Adjourn