Arturo AT Torices Dardon, MD
  • Bariatric Surgery Fellow
  • Abington Jefferson Health
  • Abington, PA USA


I am Arturo Torices Dardon. Currently a Bariatric Surgery fellow at Jefferson Abington Health in Pennsylvania. I am originally from Mexico City where I was born and raised. I finished my Medical Surgeon degree at the Anahuac University and a Master’s degree in Management of Health Institutions at the same university.I finished 6 years of general surgery residency at the New York Presbyterian Queens Weill Cornell Medicine program. I am currently being trained in the Bariatric surgery fellowship program at Abington Jefferson Health under Dr. Gintaras Antanavicius mentorship as PD, Dr. Candice Chipman as APD, other faculty Dr. Luca Giordano and Dr. Kristin Noonan.The fellowship aims to produce a complete bariatric surgeon, able to provide full diagnostic, non-operative, operative and postoperative treatment of morbid obesity and its related diseases. This is achieved performing many minimally invasive and robotic surgical procedures, such as sleeve gastrectomy, biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, roux-en-y gastric bypass, hiatal hernia repair, bariatric revision surgery, etc.