Rebecca Skotek, BS RD
  • Registered Dietitian
  • Form Health
  • Boston, TX United States


​​Rebecca Skotek is a Registered Dietitian with experience in bariatric surgery and primary care in Texas and North Carolina. Her current role is at Form Health, a rapidly growing remote weight management company where she works with patients nationwide. Rebecca sees her clients as people first, and patients second. Her empathy and dynamic counseling style drive her ability to meet people where they are and individualize nutrition recommendations that stick. Dedicated to her weight loss specialty, Rebecca has been sought out to peer review the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Health Professional’s Guide to Obesity and Weight Management, present on bariatric nutrition in a graduate-level nutrition program, and was nominated for the 2022 Health and Human Development Emerging Professional Alumni award from The Pennsylvania State University. Rebecca’s love of food crosses over into her personal life. You can often find her in the kitchen preparing dishes to share with loved ones, recreating recipes learned from watching MasterChef, or chasing new restaurant experiences in Houston’s diverse cultural cuisine scene. Food is her love language, and she feels blessed to do what she enjoys every day for work.