Sarah E Muntel, RD
  • Bariatric Coordinator
  • Community Health Network
  • Indianapolis, IN United States


Sarah Muntel is a Registered Dietitian from Indianapolis, IN. She has worked in the field of surgical and medical weight loss for over twenty years. She is currently working as the Bariatric Coordinator at Community Health Network with their Bariatric and Medical Weight Loss Programs. She has active role in the ASMBS. She serves on the Communication and Access to Care Committee and serves as an Integrated Health Representative with the ASMBS Indiana State Chapter. She has been a Walk From Obesity Event Leader in Indianapolis for the past ten years.She is also active with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and coordinates a Bariatric Meet Up Group for the Weight Management DPG. Sarah is an active member of the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) and frequently contributes to OAC’s Weight Matters Magazine and Your Weight Matters Blog.In her free time, Sarah enjoys spending with her husband and three kids, watching kids’ sports, and walking with friends.