
Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) is the most common bariatric operation. Patients with a SG can develop weight gain or gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) post operatively. These developments may lead to patients requesting a revision to alleviate symptoms or achieve desired weight loss. This study evaluated the use of revision Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) for SG patients with weight regain and GERD in a predominantly Hispanic population.


This is a retrospective study of 61 patients who underwent revision of a SG to a RYGB. Patient’s charts were reviewed and summarized with data calculated as the mean +/- standard error of the mean.


18 SG patients had revision to a RYGB for weight gain. Their pre revision weight was 262+9 lbs. with a last visit weight of 208+8 lbs. There were 44 SG patients who had RYGB revision for only GERD symptoms. 34 (77%) of these patients resolved their GERD with the RYGB. The 10 who continued with GERD required additional surgical procedures. 23 (45%) of the patients with GERD post SG had GERD symptoms prior to their SG.


In this predominantly Hispanic population, revision of a SG to a RYGB for weight regain resulted in an average of 54 lbs. weight loss. Revision for GERD symptoms resulted in 77% resolution of GERD symptoms. Gastric bypass should be considered for weight gain or GERD post SG. Patients with GERD symptoms pre bariatric surgery should consider a RYGB over a SG.