
We present a case of a woman in her 60s, with a history of a gastric sleeve resection, over 50% excess body weight loss, and subsequent severe gastroesophageal reflux disease refractory to maximal medical therapy, who underwent a conversion of a sleeve gastrectomy to a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass with hiatal hernia repair. On postoperative day 5, she was evaluated at our emergency department for vomiting and inability to tolerate oral intake. Imaging revealed a large retrocardiac hiatal hernia and extraluminal contrast extravasation. She was taken to the operating room after resuscitation, where the gastric pouch and roux limb were found to have significant edema with recurrence of the hernia. This was able to be reduced and a frank perforation was found at the posterior aspect of the anastomosis. A covered metal stent was placed by the gastroenterologist and drains were left in place. In the ICU, nasojejunal feeds were stopped given suspicion of backflow with persistent leak. A decision was made to remove the stent and place an endoluminal vacuum (EVAC). After three subsequent vacuum-sponge changes, the perforation was found to have healed. Patient was tolerating a diet on discharge. This case is an example of a complication where a multidisciplinary approach to a difficult leak resulted in recovery with the use of EVAC. We believe this is a valuable tool to have in our armamentarium for difficult to manage leaks.